Haplogroup: I-M223 also identified as I-BY3760 or I-P214+ or I-P53_3 or I-P78.

Embrach in the Zürcher Weinland
Embrach in the Zürcher WeinlandOur family name “Huber” first appeared in written records during the Zürcher Weinland, a fertile lowland area between the Zürcher Oberland and the Rhein. Hans Huber of Embrach, a village lying in the Weinland just west of Winterthur, already served as a parish priest in the 1270s. Heine and Hans Huber appeared in subsequent records and their families spread through the nearby villages of Neftenbach, Aesch, Pfungen, Hettlingen and other rural settlements in the area. Later on, after the events of the Protestant Reformation, Huber families from the Weinland found their way north into the Kurpfalz (the Palatinate Region). Here at Ellerstadt near Mannheim, and further up in the hills, in Trippstadt, Huber descendants multiplied until the early and mid-1700s when a number of them moved to Pennsylvania.
Johann Jacob Huber (ca 1699 – ca 1760) and his wife Katherina Lausser came, reportedly, from Trippstadt in the Kuhrpfalz and settled in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. They belonged to the Reformed Church, but their son Johann Adam and Maria (Edinger) Hoover moved to Blair County, Pennsylvania where they joined the Dunkers in Morrison’s Cove—the current Clover Creek Church of the Brethren. One of their sons John Hoover was a widely known Dunker elder. Another son, Frederick Hoover, led a small conservative Dunker fellowship, known as the Hooverites, near Hagerstown, Indiana. These Hoovers, apparently, also carry the I-M223 marker.
Johann Michael and Anna Barbara (Wems) Huber, also immigrants from Germany, carrying this I-M223 marker, settled in York County, PA in the mid-1700s. Their descendants spread into Bedford, Somerset and Fayette Counties in Pennsylvania. George, John Adam, Casper, Henry, John Nicholas and many other Huber / Hoover sons, grandsons and further descendants carried the name throughout western Pennsylvania, into Ohio and states further west.
Much more could be established, however, in a concrete way, if more Huber / Hoover descendants who have already tested their DNA, would learn about one another, and if they would be willing to pool their written records and family histories. Suggestions how to do this effectively appear at the Rainham Builders Hoover Project described below.
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